your skin is showing

Wednesday, June 04, 2008

Orange Crush

Why do we like people that we don't even know? Because they're attractive to us. Why are they attractive to us? Because their features are assembled in a particular way? Why are only some people attracted to some people, and not others attracted to them and them attracted to others?
It's always been a vibration with me. Seriously. Plain old good-looking is just nice to look at, not crush-warranting. There's just something about them when they're in my energy field. Sometimes it doesn't happen 'til they're within arms distance, and sometimes it's just the same room. Sometimes it's a conversation - maybe meaningful, maybe not. There are some people I have been very strongly attracted to, that, if I had seen a picture of them ahead of time, I wouldn't have thought I would be attracted to them.
I have a HUGE crush on someone right now, and I have no real reason - I don't know him really at all. Well, not NO reason. He's very talented and handsome, and there is certain evidence of a favorable degree of intelligence and sense of humor, and maybe adorably shy. Or scared of me. It's hard to tell. I've only said one sentence to him. It's sad really. There's just SOMETHING.
AND why is there sometimes something there for one person and not another? It doesn't make sense when it's so magnetic! Are we attracted to THOSE people to reinforce our insecurities? I think yes, but I also think that's not the only reason.
Also, I'm a weirdo, because I know other people have a crush on this person, so I tell myself that it's not a real attraction, just that they're attractive. Why am I so weird? That's definitely a strange thing to think. Hopefully, someday I find someone who thinks my craziness is adorable. As opposed to disturbing.
So anyway,
I am a hypocrite. (but isn't everybody?) There is a person I have a massive crush on, but I am too chicken to do anything about it. He doesn't live by me though, (LA) so that's a good excuse right? I did have a few chances to talk to him, but I balked in the most pathetic way. The last time I was so nervous, I felt like I was about to cry, so I thought it would be better if that DIDN'T happen, and opted out of talking to him.
So I just wanted to tell you that so you would know what a hypocrite I am. (It only seems fair) Thought you might appreciate it. After all the arguing that you should definitely tell the person who you like, that you like them, I just can't do it.

Maybe it's because I don't know him, so I don't think it's fair for me to like him yet. The only way I can think of to get to know him is on myspace, and I kind of think that's lame. But I don't know what else to do without stalking. I will tell him someday, I think.
Also, I have a superstition about publishing blogs about people you have a crush on. It seems like it would be bad karma or something, and that it will mean that it will never work out. But I think I need help. Or maybe if I say it enough I will get used to the idea, and then finally talk to him. Or I will talk about it too much and it will kill it. Which would be sad. Or helpful. I don't know.
Oh geez.


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