your skin is showing

Tuesday, June 24, 2008

opportunity knocks hard

Man, you sure can learn a lot about a person by pissing them off.
Of course there's no GUARANTEE that you will learn anything, BUT if you can manage to get your own ego out of your own way - there's a golden opportunity there. Of course there's the chance that the newfound info will be nigh useless, but it's sure to be fascinating if you can manage to see it.


  • At 10:01 AM, Blogger kel said…

    Amen. It's like the mask peels right off and you get a glimpse of the seedy underbelly, huh?

  • At 11:11 AM, Blogger vox said…

    Well yes there's that. But I guess what I mean is, when you piss them off enough times, and you've already seen the seedy underbelly, if you can somehow stop worrying about whether or not they will let you live (total joke) it's interesting to see what's really eating them. If you can keep them from eating you that is. Like you see that the seedy underbelly you've been staring at is actually infested with tumors.

  • At 1:14 PM, Blogger kel said…

    AH I get it now.

    ...Tumors. Gross and delicious all at the same time. :P


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